Hello voters! Did you know you have options to cast your
ballot for the April 7, 2020 election (and every election).

Not up for Election Day? Request an absentee ballot online at www.myvote.wi.gov prior to April 2nd, and a
ballot will be mailed to you. Voters may
also request a mailed ballot in writing to the City Clerk but be sure to
include a copy of your photo ID with your request. This works great for travelers; those who
have a suppressed immune system; or voters who just can’t make it to the
Community REC Center during working hours. Please be sure to allow mailing time
so the ballot is returned on or before Election Day.
Lines may be long on Election Day
so be prepared and make sure you are already registered, even if you moved to a
different address in the City of Marinette you still need to register at that
address and show proof of residency.
Voters can also vote in-person
via absentee ballot at City Hall prior to election day during regular office
hours. In-person voting ends on Friday,
April 3rd at 5:00 pm so plan ahead.
Voting Starts Monday March 16th
from 7:30AM-4:00PM, Monday – Friday.
Special extended hours for the Spring Election only will be Wednesday
April 1st & Thursday April 2nd, 7:30AM-6:00PM
If you have questions or need
assistance with any of your voting options, please contact us at Marinette City
Hall (715)732-5140.
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