Emergency/Temporary Municipal Court Measures

most traffic citations do not require a mandatory appearance and are expected
to be paid prior to your court date.
Payments can be made as follows:
Online & Phone
You may pay online or by phone with Government
Payment Service. There is a small convenience fee for this service. GPS will
send a check to the court so your payment will not be credited for 3 to 5
working days after payment is made.
Call 888-604-7888 24/7 and
make your payment over the phone.
Visit www.GovPayNow.com for online payments.
Use Pay Location Code 5001
for both online and phone payments.
Drop Box
You may use the drop box located by the post
office. Do not deposit cash.
U.S. Postal Service
Mail payments to: Marinette Municipal Court,
1905 Hall Avenue, Marinette, WI 54143.
Please feel
free to call Marinette Municipal Court M-F 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM with any
questions: 715-732-5125.
Thank you for your
cooperation as we work together to overcome the challenges of this ongoing
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